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The AgeX Trial Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee reports to Trial Management Group 2022 to 2023

Report to the TMG by the Data Monitoring and Ethics Group (DMEC)

13th June 2022

The DMEC congratulates the trial team on the continued successful progress of the trial. In particular, the continued high quality and timely data linkages were noted. The DMEC has no concerns about the progress of the trial or the interim analyses and plans to meet again in mid-2023 unless a need arises for an earlier meeting.

Report to the TMG by the Data Monitoring and Ethics Group (DMEC)

6th June 2023

The DMEC congratulates the Trial Team on the continued progress of the trial. They were sorry to hear of the delays in data linkage caused by the COVID pandemic and successive changes in data governance, which have inevitably led to a delay in updated data analyses. The DMEC was reassured to hear that smooth data linkage should resume by Autumn 2023 and plans to meet in early 2024 to review the results of updated analyses.


AgeX DMEC reports to Trial Management Group 2022 to 2023 [PDF]