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The most studied genetic susceptibility factors involved in gastric carcinoma (GC) risk are polymorphisms in the inflammation-linked genes interleukin 1 (IL1) B and IL1RN. Despite the evidence pointing to the IL1 region, definite functional variants reproducible across populations of different genetic background have not been discovered so far. A high density linkage disequilibrium (LD) map of the IL1 gene cluster was established using HapMap to identify haplotype tagSNPs. Eighty-seven SNPs were genotyped in a Portuguese case-control study (358 cases, 1,485 controls) for the discovery analysis. A replication study, including a subset of those tagSNPs (43), was performed in an independent analysis (EPIC-EurGast) containing individuals from 10 European countries (365 cases, 1284 controls). Single SNP and haplotype block associations were determined for GC overall and anatomopathological subtypes. The most robust association was observed for SNP rs17042407, 16Kb upstream of the IL1A gene. Although several other SNP associations were observed, only the inverse association of rs17042407 allele C with GC of the intestinal type was observed in both studies, retaining significance after multiple testing correction (p=0.0042) in the combined analysis. The haplotype analysis of the IL1A LD block in the combined dataset revealed the association between a common haplotype carrying the rs17042407 variant and GC, particularly of the intestinal type (p=3.1 × 10 -5 ) and non cardia localisation (p=4.6 × 10 -3 ). These results confirm the association of IL1 gene variants with GC and reveal a novel SNP and haplotypes in the IL1A region associated with intestinal type GC in European populations. What's new? Genetic susceptibility to gastric cancer lurks in the region of the interleukin 1 gene cluster, but no one yet knows just how genetic variation contributes to risk. These authors searched for other variants within this genetic neighborhood by assessing linkage disequilibrium. There they found several small nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), mainly in the IL1A gene region, that associated with gastric carcinoma, particularly the intestinal subtype. By identifying these SNPs, they hope to shed more light on how the disease develops or help identify people who are at risk. © 2014 UICC.

Original publication





International Journal of Cancer

Publication Date





1343 - 1355