History of the AgeX trial
The Prime Minister announces plans for eventual extension of the age range for routine breast screening offered by the NHS from 50-70 to 47-73 years. It is unclear when this would begin, providing an opportunity to obtain reliable evidence about the effects of extending the age range for screening.
The AgeX trial begins with a pilot study of the acceptability of randomisation of additional screening at 47-49 and 71-73 in seven breast screening centres in England.
Randomisation into the AgeX trial is extended to about five-sixths of the breast screening centres in England.
The Independent UK Panel on Breast Screening Panel concludes that, while breast screening at ages 50-70 confers significant benefit to women, the effects of breast screening at younger or older ages are uncertain.
The Government’s Independent Breast Screening Review recommends that the AgeX trial should continue until its planned end date, 2026. The Health Minister’s Parliamentary Statement also recommends continuation of AgeX as planned.
Entry into the AgeX trial ceases with over four million women randomised.
2021 - 2031
Follow-up to December 2026 by electronic linkage to routinely collected medical records after which the first report on breast cancer mortality will be published (with planned follow-up to December 2031).