Dr Roger Blanks
Contact information
Roger Blanks
Senior Epidemiologist
Roger Blanks is an epidemiologist who has been working on cancer screening research and screening performance measurement development in the breast, bowel and cervical screening programmes since 1994.
He holds a PhD in occupational epidemiology from Imperial College, London. He worked for 17 years in cancer screening at the Institute of Cancer Research, London. Before that he worked in occupational epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Imperial College, London and the Royal Brompton, London.
Prior to working in research he worked in medical physics and clinical measurement in London Teaching Hospitals. He has published more than sixty peer reviewed papers with over thirty as first or sole author and many of his performance methods are currently used by screening programmes.
He joined the Cancer Epidemiology Unit (CEU) in 2011, with a particular interest in bowel cancer screening and linkage of large datasets.
Recent publications
Correction to: An analysis of 11.3 million screening tests examining the association between recall and cancer detection rates in the English NHS breast cancer screening programme.
Blanks RG. et al, (2019), Eur Radiol, 29, 7074 - 7075
Screen-detected and interval colorectal cancers in England: Associations with lifestyle and other factors in women in a large UK prospective cohort.
Blanks R. et al, (2019), Int J Cancer, 145, 728 - 734
An analysis of 11.3 million screening tests examining the association between needle biopsy rates and cancer detection rates in the English NHS Breast Cancer Screening Programme.
Blanks RG. et al, (2019), Clin Radiol, 74, 384 - 389
Association of ten gastrointestinal and other medical conditions with positivity to faecal occult blood testing in routine screening: a large prospective study of women in England.
He E. et al, (2019), Int J Epidemiol, 48, 549 - 558
Factors affecting adenoma detection rate in a national flexible sigmoidoscopy screening programme: a retrospective analysis.
Bevan R. et al, (2019), Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol, 4, 239 - 247