Oxford Vegetarian Study publications
San Joaquin MA, Appleby PN, Key TJ. Nutrition, lifestyle and colorectal cancer incidence: a prospective investigation of 10998 vegetarians and non-vegetarians in the United Kingdom. Br J Cancer 2004; 90: 118-121
Thorogood M, Appleby PN, Key TJ, Mann J. Relation between body mass index and mortality in an unusually slim cohort. J Epidemiol Com Health 2003; 57: 130-133
Appleby PN, Key TJ, Thorogood M, Burr ML, Mann J. Mortality in British vegetarians. Public Health Nutr 2002; 5: 29-36
Appleby PN, Thorogood M, Mann J, Key TJ. The Oxford Vegetarian Study: an overview. Am J Clin Nutr 1999; 70(3 Suppl): 525S-531S
Key TJ, Fraser GE, Thorogood M, Appleby PN. Mortality in vegetarians and non-vegetarians: detailed findings from a collaborative analysis of 5 prospective studies. _Am J Clin Nutr_1999; 70(suppl): 516S-524S
Appleby PN, Thorogood M, Mann J, Key TJ. Low body mass index in non-meat eaters: the possible roles of animal fat, dietary fibre and alcohol. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1998; 22(5): 454-60
Key TJ, Fraser GE, Thorogood M, Appleby PN. Mortality in vegetarians and non-vegetarians: a collaborative analysis of 8300 deaths among 76,000 men and women in five prospective studies. Public Health Nutr 1998; 1(1): 33-41
Mann J, Appleby PN, Key TJ, Thorogood M. Dietary determinants of ischaemic heart disease in health conscious individuals. Heart 1997; 78(5): 450-55
Appleby P, Thorogood M, McPherson K, Mann J. Associations between plasma lipid concentrations and dietary, lifestyle and physical factors in the Oxford Vegetarian Study. J Hum Nutr Diet 1995; 8: 305-314
Appleby P, Thorogood M, McPherson K, Mann J. Emergency appendicectomy and meat consumption in the UK. J Epidemiol Com Health 1995; 49(6): 594-6
Thorogood M, Mann J, Appleby P, McPherson K. Risk of death from cancer and ischaemic heart disease in meat and non-meat eaters. BMJ 1994; 308(6945): 1667-70
Thorogood M, Mann J, McPherson K. Alcohol intake and the U-shaped curve: do non-drinkers have a higher prevalence of cardiovascular-related disease? J Public Health Med 1993; 15(1): 61-8
Key TJA, Thorogood M, Keenan J, Long A. Raised thyroid stimulating hormone associated with kelp intake in British vegan men. J Hum Nutr Diet 1992; 5: 323-326
Ball MJ, Griffiths D, Thorogood M. Asymptomatic hypothyroidism and hypercholesterolaemia. J R Soc Med 1991; 84(9): 527-9
Key TJ, Roe L, Thorogood M. Testosterone, sex hormone-binding globulin, calculated free testosterone, and oestradiol in male vegans and omnivores. Br J Nutr 1990; 64(1): 111-9
Thorogood M, Roe L, McPherson K, Mann J. Dietary intake and plasma lipid levels: lessons from a study of the diet of health conscious groups. BMJ 1990; 300(6735): 1297-301
Thorogood M, McPherson K, Mann J. Relationship of body mass index, weight and height to plasma lipid levels in people with different diets in Britain. Community Med 1989; 11(3): 230-3
Thorogood M, Carter R, Benfield L, McPherson K, Mann JI. Plasma lipids and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations in people with different diets in Britain. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 1987; 295(6594): 351-3