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disease susceptibility in women

About 50,000 participants of the Million Women Study have taken part in a related study called Disease Susceptibility in Women which aims to assess genetic and biochemical risk factors for disease, primarily breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. Participants were asked to complete questionnaires and provide a blood sample (collected by the GP) or a saliva sample (collected by the participant). Genetic and biochemical tests have been carried out and the results have been linked to information on lifestyle factors and health outcomes from the main Million Women Study.

A new phase of blood and saliva collection is planned. More information will be available here when this phase commences.

We acknowledge the contribution of staff at general practices throughout the UK who collected blood samples for the disease susceptibility in women study.

changes to lifestyle in retirement

This related study is a qualitative investigation of the effects of retirement on lifestyle and behaviour. In 2018-19, Million Women Study participants were recruited for face-to-face interviews about any changes they had made to their lifestyles and the extent to which retirement represented an opportunity for women to make changes.